The Spiritual Pharmacist

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Accelerate Healing from Burnout with Law of Attraction

4 min read

So you’ve potentially heard by now about the topic of “Law of Attraction” and “manifesting” a better life. Or maybe you haven’t!

Either way, if you’re looking to find out how I’ve personally improved my life and accelerated my own healing from burnout by using the teachings and concepts from law of attraction, then this blog post is for you!

What is the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction has become a popular concept in the realm of self-help and personal development within the last few years. It suggests that like attracts like, and that our thoughts and feelings can influence the events and circumstances that occur in our life. Basically, it is that by focusing on positive thoughts and emotions, you can attract positive experiences and outcomes, while negative thoughts and emotions can lead to negative experiences.

People who have utilized Law of Attraction, share their wisdom in manifesting outcomes. It ultimately comes down to maintaining a positive mindset and visualizing your goals and desires. This is often done through techniques like visualization, affirmations, meditation and maintaining a high level of positivity and belief in the outcome.

How does this help heal burnout?

When it comes to burnout, the Law of Attraction can be seen as a mindset and belief system that may potentially help individuals manage and overcome burnout, and the best part of all, for all of my skeptics out there, these are evidence-based strategies for addressing burnout. Here's how you can let the magic work for you!

  • Visualization: Attracting better outcomes starts with visualizing a better life for yourself. How much time have you spent focusing on problems, and techniques where individuals mentally picture their desired outcomes. In the context of burnout, this could involve visualizing a healthier work-life balance, reduced stress, or a more fulfilling career. Whatever it is, give yourself the time to actually create the vision for yourself of what truly feels best to you. Visualization is such an incredibly powerful tool for setting goals and motivating ourselves to work towards them. Professional athletes use this technique and they spend ample time visualizing their wins!

  • Positive Thinking: Focusing on positive thoughts, feelings, and intentions is not only highly encouraged but also essential towards manifesting what you desire. Our thoughts drive our emotions. Plain and simple, you can’t feel better about a situation by constantly complaining about it! Shifting our focus away from the negative aspects of what’s leading to burnout, towards more positive and hopeful perspectives relieves us from stressful emotions caused by our negative thinking. The truth is there is so much we can’t control. However we can control our attitudes and by maintaining a positive attitude, we become more resilient in the face of burnout.

  • Affirmations: Affirmations are positive statements that are repeated to reinforce a positive self-image and beliefs. Affirmations are only really beneficial if they evoke an emotion or a shift in you internally. Or at the very least do not create negative emotion within you! People experiencing burnout may use affirmations to boost their self-esteem, remind themselves of their capabilities, and maintain a positive outlook despite challenges. Again our thoughts (and therefore statements) create emotion in us, and when changing our ways of being we need to find the right affirmations for where we are at currently in life. For example someone who’s experiencing burnout, and has no motivation or desire to get any work done wouldn’t really benefit from the affirmation “I’m unstoppable, and I get my work done on

  • Goal Setting: The Law of Attraction emphasizes setting clear and specific goals and desires. By setting achievable goals related to reducing burnout and improving well-being, individuals can create a sense of purpose and direction, which can be motivating and help combat burnout. The key when utilizing principles of law of attraction is to begin by setting goals that feel truly achievable to you, and to continue cultivating those emotions as you focus to bring your manifestations into reality.

  • Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: Focusing on the present moment and managing stress, comes from developing a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness techniques can be helpful in reducing burnout by promoting relaxation, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. It’s easy for us to get caught up in living in the past, and creating a narrow mind around the possibilities for our future. Or we may be caught up in feelings of uncertainty and anxiety of what’s to come in the future. When we access the moment of “now”, is when we allow ourselves to be fully present and that’s when we feel like we are in the state of flow.

I loved using the Law of Attraction and it’s concepts for accelerating my healing journey with burnout because the concepts are relatively simple. They don’t always feel easy though especially because it requires keeping an open mind, and making efforts to change our own beliefs in the world despite your previous life experiences. Burnout is a complex issue with physical, psychological, and social components. So in addition to utilizing concepts of Law of Attraction, addressing burnout often requires many practical steps such as setting boundaries, seeking support, improving time management, and making lifestyle changes.

Individuals experiencing burnout should consider a holistic approach that combines positive thinking with proven strategies for managing stress and promoting well-being. I have cultivated a 3 month coaching program that helps you learn the tools and techniques, as well as aligning energetically to the person you wish to become! I’m here to help, because I’ve been there before and it is not a way to live.

Reasons Law of Attraction is Unsuccessful

Have you tried to use the LOA before and it didn’t work for you?

The issue that many people run into is that they practice shifting their thoughts into the directions of the things they want to manifest, and then get discouraged when it doesn’t show automatically. This is actually a good thing because negative thoughts and feelings are a natural part of our life and we don’t want negative things happening simply because we thought of it! It’s okay that you don’t always feel the greatest, the key is to create consciously not by default programming from our past. 

There is also a misunderstanding that all you have to do is just think your way to success. If that was the case, we would all just be sitting on our couches doing absolutely nothing, besides thinking and imagining our successful lives. For those of you who are day dreamers (this was me in pharmacy school), you’ll realize that even though you’re thinking so much in detail about what you want, it stays just a dream without taking action. Action is really the key here!

A third misunderstanding about the law of attraction is the belief that you HAVE to feel good before you set out to accomplish your dreams. Many times you may find yourself actually feeling rather neutral about what you are bringing in. The reality is that you don’t need to be in a high state of positive vibration always before taking action to manifest your dreams. The truth is though that the more negative you feel regarding taking a specific action and you have high resistance around the subject, you’ll be less likely to be fully present and aware to best manage the situation and therefore less likely to achieve results.

There is no one size fits all solution, and thats why working with a coach truly helps establish a plan and solutions that cater to your needs and desires. If you’ve tried these solutions in the past and have yet to hire on a coach, I strongly encourage you to book a free 30 minute call with me and that way I can help point you in the direction of whether my coaching program would be a great fit for you!

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With love,

The Spiritual Pharmacist