I help healthcare professionals

transition into doing the work they truly love !

Your time to get started is now!

Do you find yourself feeling unfulfilled at work lately? Every day seems like a repeat, and you’re not excited about what you’re doing?

You’ve been thinking a lot about finding a career that gives you a real sense of purpose. Where you’re not just another employee trying to meet metrics all day long. You actually want to make a difference.

Maybe you like your profession but you just don’t feel aligned with the type of work you’re currently doing, and you’re not sure what else is out there for you.

You feel like there is so much more that you are meant to do than what you are currently doing.

You care about the well-being of others, and trying to make it work where you currently are just isn’t happening for you anymore. You can't shake off this constant exhaustion. Maybe it's a sign of burnout. It’s time for a change.

Does any of this sound familiar? If it does, I completely understand. I’ve had those same exact thoughts plus many more for years working as a pharmacist. I learned in my third year of pharmacy school that this was not what I wanted to spend the rest of my life doing.

YIKES! Being honest with myself was really difficult, especially after working towards a career for over 7 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars invested. How could I possibly want to switch careers when I haven’t even graduated yet?

If you’re feeling like you’re crazy for wanting to change your career path to something completely different, irrespective of healthcare, I will reassure you. You are not crazy!!

What’s crazy is staying in an unfulfilling career, that is contributing to you feeling totally burned out. Your spark for your life feels like it was put out. Because it probably was!

And I’m going to be honest about why this happened. It was because you decided that knowing the life you currently have felt more safe than not knowing about what could happen if you decided to pursue bigger things.

If you are ready to being feeling alive again with what you spend more of your life doing, my coaching program is right for you.

Please don’t let another couple of months go by or even years and you look at yourself in the mirror one day and you are totally disappointed that you didn’t take any action towards your dreams.

The pain of regret is far more painful than the pain of failure.

I know it’s scary.

I know it’s f*ing difficult.

It wasn’t until I invested over $1300 a month (from my student loans for living) to gain the support of a loving community that encouraged me to flourish into becoming the woman I am today!

I understand the importance of having the support it takes to make these massive changes to your life.

And that’s exactly what I am most passionate about: I want to see you succeed! I want you to thrive and feel so grateful to be given the life you have! And the opportunities you have THIS very moment to do something that is meaningful to YOU!

Without taking risks, we wouldn’t have such miraculous breakthroughs occur in our lives.

Are you ready to transform into the person you KNOW you’re meant to be? To live the life you that makes you feel ALIVE?


Your new life starts here

I am here to help you!

  • “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

    Howard Thurman


  • “Amy's energy alone is everything you need in a life coach. She is non-judgmental and shows up with warm, loving energy to each call. She holds the vision of where you want to go and celebrates every step you take in that direction. I couldn't recommend Amy's coaching more!! For anyone who wants to work towards their goals and feel better while they're doing it, Amy's coaching is a no-brainer.”


  • “Amy is so great at holding space for you and making you feel heard. We did a hypnosis and her voice is so soothing and calming! She is willing to hold you accountable and it's clear she is always rooting for you.”


  • “Amy is fully committed to give her clients the best experience! She has helped hold me accountable of my goals, and allowed me to have some profound shifts!”


Energy Joy Peace Clarity

Energy Joy Peace Clarity

Book your FREE 30-minute connection call to answer all of your questions and discover how you will love your life again in 3 months or less!

*required prior to purchase of any packages

Benefits you will receive:

  • You will have so more energy to accomplish everything you want to

  • You will feel clarity about the direction you're going

  • You will become a magnet for your dreams, goals, and desires and achieve with more ease

  • You will have more self-awareness more than ever before

  • You will create more balance and fulfillment in your life (relationships, career, finances, etc)

  • You will learn tools and process that you will be able to use for creating wellness for the rest of your life 

  • Emotional wellness and happiness becomes a natural part of who you are

  • You have unbiased support, and accountability to keep you on track

3 months of 1:1 coaching with me

Here’s what it includes:

  • Eight, 1 hour, once weekly sessions (valued at $1650) personalized to your specific obstacles

  • Q&A access and support on Voxer or email in between sessions (responses will be available M-Th from 8am-11am) (valued at $500)

  • Hypnotherapy Session and EFT Session (valued at $200)

  • Bonuses: access to all of my free worksheets, guides and welcome gift

Total value: $2,350

Your investment: $599

I believe in you.

  • "Life coaching is essential to manifesting our best life! As above, so below. This means that our external reality is an exact reflection of our internal reality. This is why shifting our mindset is integral to changing our behaviors and the way life responds back to us. "

    Amy Zygart

  • “No problem can be solved using the same level of consciousness that created it”

    Albert Einstein